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Hair brushes and particularly high-quality, 100% pure natural hair brushes are important for natural hair care
1. Hair type
2. Form and application
3. Type of wood
Quality and craftsmanship with ♥ since 1848
Likewise the real manual work with ♥
Traudi Sieferlinger unterwegs
"Windbeutel und Kämme im Pegnitztal"
Every wood feels different, has a different look and character. Cherry wood is invigorating and hornbeam wood is cooling. Here you will get to know the individual types of wood.
Choose your teeth:
extra fine
wide and
extra wide
Claudia Langhein (Horse Human Community) loves horses and people at the same time. She appreciates our Groetsch combs for animals and people. Since Claudia has used our energy combs for her horses from the start, the idea of developing special wooden combs for horses came up. The special thing is that the comb combs the hair ideally and the back of the comb is suitable for treating the fascia. Combs are known in many traditions to release energetic blockages. Isn't that a nice combination? Release blockages and loosen fascia?
More information will follow.
The comb cutting machine we still work on today is about 130 years old. I appreciate it very much because I can work with it in a very resource-saving way. If some of the fiber flow is not ideal for a styling comb, then the blank becomes a handle comb. The appreciative work with the different types of wood is very important to us. Circular economy included.
News about natural hair care
When it comes to the question of which comb is the right one for you, the length of your hair...
The big difference for you between a comb and a brush is that from experience you have the feeling that...
It was Albert Einstein who said: "Everything is energy and there is nothing more to say about it." Our physical...
Customers like to buy from us on site because the selection here is the largest and the advice is very individual. When choosing all of our hair combs and hair brushes, there are many products that are not for sale online.
Since I like to take my time for you, please make an appointment by phone on 09152/210 or by e-mail at info@kammacher.de.
Groetsch combs have been around since 1848 and Groetsch wooden combs for 50 years.
It was my grandfather Martin Groetsch who, in the early 1970s, passionately made the change from a plastic comb to a wooden comb.
Values such as: sustainability, longevity and quality are not just fads for us. We have lived them for decades and they can be found in each of our products.
Hair combs, whether wooden comb, horn comb, handle comb, hairdressing comb, men's comb, curling comb, energy comb or a hair comb for the horse's mane. Every hair comb we make is CO2-neutral and resource-saving.
This also applies to our salad servers and our spaghetti server, which we offer in maple, beech, service tree and cherry wood.
Once upon a time there was a customer at one of the most beautiful arts and crafts markets in Germany. She came back every year until she asked my father to make a wooden salad server, something like extended hands. The following year, my father implemented the idea. She was happy and so were many other customers. Whether salad, spaghetti, sauerkraut, asparagus or other vegetables, it is simply a pleasure to hold the wooden salad server or the spaghetti server in one hand and place the dish nicely on the plate. Did you know that the holes in the handle are intentionally different sizes? 120g of uncooked spaghetti (usual size) fits through the small hole and 180g through the large hole. That's 2 or 3 servings. So you use a salad server or a spaghetti server with a spaghetti measure.
That reflects our values very well. Also using the example of the combs for the horse's mane. Making a comb that combs horses' coats and manes is a good implementation. Making a comb for horses that combs hair and treats trigger points and fascia is a new level. Together with the choice of wood (soothing hornbeam or invigorating cherry) it becomes a very special comb - a favorite comb for horses and horse people.
It is important to us that you find your favorite comb. Therefore, depending on the type and use of the hair comb, you have the option of choosing between a styling comb, grip comb, curling comb, pocket comb, beard comb, hair cutting comb and energy comb.
If you are looking for a gift for a loved one, we recommend searching by hair type. Here we distinguish between fine hair - straight to wavy, normal hair - straight to wavy and curly hair - fine to strong.
Once you have decided on the shape of the hair comb, select the wood. You may know that an oak parquet floor looks different than a Swiss pine parquet floor. It's the same with the woods that we use. When I saw maple, the workshop smells sweet, when I saw hornbeam, it gets really earthy, and when I saw ginkgo wood, the workshop smells very characteristically. You have read here and there that pine wood has a calming effect. It is rather unknown that other woods have different effects. For us it goes without saying. That is why we are happy to pass on our experience with the woods we use to you.
You have now decided on a comb type and a material and are happy about your favorite comb. I experience it again and again that customers get such a clear, clean and joyful look when they first run a Groetsch comb through their hair and slide it over the scalp. They are so surprised because it feels so good. I keep hearing: "I didn't even know that combing can be so sensual.
No matter whether you comb your hair, beard, mustache or mane. Every Groetsch comb we make sorts and styles your hair comfortably and gently and ideally puts a smile on your face when you comb it. As comb makers, we are already making hair combs in the fifth generation. Hair brushes are an important part of natural hair care. Wooden brushes comb and style wet and dry hair, natural hair brushes care for dry hair. You will not find vegan natural hairbrushes with us. In my experience, the vegan natural fibers used do not have the ability to absorb the hair fat into the fiber and release it again, and in my experience the vegan fibers are not as durable and strong as natural boar hair. For this reason we have not yet included vegan natural hair brushes in our range of brushes.
Natural hair brushes made from high-quality, 100% pure wild boar bristles absorb the hair oil from the scalp and release it again on the dry areas of the hair. This applies to both hair brushes and beard brushes. They are durable and effective and reflect our values of quality, sustainability and longevity.
When my grandfather decided in the 1970s to stop making plastic combs and switch to wooden combs, he was laughed at. When my father started to work with very rare and high-quality woods such as service tree and service tree, he was smiled at. Today, when I talk about energy combs made of walnut, stone pine or amaranth, people smile at me until the person who is smiled at takes the energy comb in their hands and combs their hair with it. Then he looks at me in surprise and a smile follows on his face.