Fine hair - straight to wavy
Here you find your ideal comb made of wood or horn for fine hair.
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Fine hair is beautiful and practical.
Fine hair is thin and very elastic.
After washing your hair, fine hair is a gift because it dries quickly. On your head, fine hair feels light and airy. When you run your fingers through your hair, it is velvety and soft.I have found that people with fine hair particularly appreciate our wooden combs for natural hair care because they are untreated, their own conditioning hair grease is perfectly distributed in the wood and released into dry areas of the hair. Anyone with fine hair knows that thin hair in particular is very sensitive to electrostatic charge. The advantage of wooden combs is that they are frizz-free.
From 1985 comes an expert opinion commissioned by my grandfather (the last master comb-maker in Germany). It shows that when using a plastic comb, the hair can become charged with up to several hundred thousand V/m. Especially people with thin and fine hair find this unpleasant.
Our wooden combs are also free of chemical polishes.
My tips for fine hair:
- Use as little shampoo as possible. Shampoo not only degreases your hair, it also degreases your scalp and fine hair especially appreciates the effect of its own (individually produced by the body) hair oil, as it is not too light or too heavy, but is the perfect hair care for healthy fine hair.
- Avoid silicones and mineral oils in shampoos and hair care products, as these weigh down your fine hair. Fine energies are stored here, including energies that you would not like to let into your home.
- Comb your wet hair and your morning tousled hair first with a coarse-toothed wooden comb, then with a coarse or fine comb.
- For combing in between, we recommend our small Swiss stone pine comb. The light and airy wood harmonises the energy in your hair and the energy flow of sending and receiving.
- Woods such as hornbeam and spearling can be worked very smoothly by nature, as they are very fine-pored. This is especially pleasant for fine hair. Both have a grounding effect and rid the hair of unwanted vibrations.
- Regular brushing with a natural hairbrush stimulates the blood circulation in the scalp. This improves the blood supply to the roots of the hair. Brushing against the grain (please only in the morning, as it has an energising effect) strengthens the hair erector muscle and your hair in the long term.
- A natural hairbrush and a wooden comb are able to absorb the hair grease from the scalp and release it to the dry areas for hair care.
- The ideal comb for daily hair combing is our styling comb for fine and sensitive hair. Fine hair shows personal beauty in a very soft, fine and delicate way.It is not the haircut the hairdresser creates, it is also not the hair colour we choose that reflects our beauty. It is our hair, just as it is. Our healthy hair is as individual as our fingerprint, as our reflex zones on the body and it is a mirror of our soul and our soul is beautiful. Natural, healthy hair reflects our beauty and that is great. More than that! When we manage to distribute our own hair grease with the comb or brush to the tips of our hair, we spread our very personal scent in our hair and in our surroundings.
These pheromones are often so subtle that we humans are not consciously aware of them.
With the natural and healthy radiance of our fine hair, we give our fellow human beings the opportunity to perceive us as we are. This has the great advantage that we automatically attract people into our field who are welcome and do us good. If our hair is coloured (and psychologically it makes no difference whether with plants or chemicals) or we are perfumed, it is like a mask for our environment in communication and in being.
For more than 30 years I have observed how differently people feel, view, value and see their hair as part of their body. Especially for people with fine and thin hair, the cosmetics industry has a large repertoire of products and suggests that the hair is insufficient because it lacks strength. In so many areas of our society we live tolerance, speak of self-love and togetherness. When it comes to hair, I often have the impression that the image of strong, strong hair, which rightly symbolised strength in the time of hunter-gatherers, is still desirable today, even though our lives have changed significantly. Today, we no longer hunt and gather our food from nature. Today, our lives are faster, more digital, more changeable. Then as now, our hair is an antenna. We find the type of hair as antennae in the plant kingdom, in the animal kingdom and in us humans. Maybe today we need much more the fine antennas that are more sensitive to the fine vibrations? The fine antennas in communication, for mindfulness and the fine connection to ourselves? People with fine hair are often very sensitive, sometimes highly sensitive, and the great gift is that they can also connect very finely with nature.
When it rains very finely, when nature is very finely and delicately wetted by the rain, then our hearts open and we almost feel how nature gratefully receives the water. When it rains heavily, we feel rather uncomfortable. Perhaps the image of the fine, delicate rain will help you to gratefully accept your fine hair as it is and to see and feel the power and the source of power in your fine hair.
If you have any questions about your fine hair, we would be happy to receive your call or an email to